Hoppin’ Frog Black Friday Release: Barrel-Aged Gavel Slammer 17.4% Monumental Dark Ale

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This years Black Friday Release will be Barrel-Aged Gavel Slammer 17.4% Monumental Dark Ale!  We will be packaging this in 12 oz. bottles for $9.99 per bottle.  Doors will open one hour early, at 10:00 a.m. both on Friday and Saturday to accommodate this very special brewery only beer release.  And to celebrate in a grand way, we will be offering chicken and waffles for breakfast!  What a great way to start your holiday shopping – early, and at Hoppin’ Frog Brewery!!  Mark your calendars now, we hope to see you here!

Barrel-aged over-the-top ale like no other, with a truly magnificent character from aging in select whiskey barrels.  Rich, aromatic, lively and dark, with layer after layer of roasted, toasted, and Beer Stylescaramelized malts, beautifully balanced from the oak barrel.  We’ve done our part, slamming the hammer down for freedom from alcohol limits.

ABV: 17.4%      IBU:65
Packaging: 12 oz. Bottle

About Hoppin’ Frog

Hoppin’ Frog Brewery is a small, hands-on brewery in Akron, making very flavorful beers in the most flavorful styles. We brew the highest quality beer with an uncompromising focus on detail, from the ingredient selection to the brewing process. Our highly rated Tasting Room is on-site, offering fun, adventurous dishes that change with the seasons, and a vast array of the highest quality beers.