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Gnome Gnation Founders Club building a big future for a small town brewery.

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SYLVA, NC – In a microbrewery in downtown Sylva, NC, German-born Braumeister Dieter Kuhn & his wife Sheryl Rudd are creating German style beers made fresh with hops, wholesome grains and no preservatives. All of the brewery’s beers are keg conditioned and non-filtered, making them smooth and lighter in body for all to enjoy.

Heinzelmännchen Brewery currently resides in a small space on Mill Street but they are moving and improving! Through a variety of sources, the owners are raising money to meet the transition to their new location on Front Street in Dillsboro, NC

“Our customers wanted to help so we created the Gnome Gnation Founders Club,” says Sheryl Rudd. “Our current goal for raising funds through the GGFC is $125,000 or more.”  As of July 2014, their donations totaled $5,800. ​“We are continuing to accept cash, checks and credit cards at the brewery, mail or website.”

Another way to donate to the Founders club is through group donations. “Grab some friends and join at a higher level.  Eight people donating $125/each can enjoy a private sampling of Heinzelmännchen Beers at your location and for $500 each (with 10 people), we’ll cook dinner at your house and bring Heinzelmännchen beer to you!”

Listed on their website (, Heinzelmännchen Brewery states that all funds received through the Gnome Gnation Founders Club will be applied as follows:

• 49% 30-Barrel Brew House System

• 40% renovations of new location

• 8% marketing and re-branding of Heinzelmännchen Brewery

• 3% operating expenses

If you have any further questions or concerns contact Sheryl Rudd at or 828-631-4466.   To join the Gnome Gnation Founders Club stop in the brewery and fill out an application or go to and join online!