IPA Recipes to Make at Home
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Delicious IPA Dishes

Do you love IPAs as much as we do? India Pale AlesOpens in new window can be incorporated into recipes. These hoppy hor d’oeuvres and resinous recipes will be a hit at any hophead’s house.

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overhead of ipa beers and tacos
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Pinedrops IPA Chicken


Pinedrops IPA Chicken

This chicken recipe from Deschutes Brewery calls for their Pinedrops IPA, which imparts citrus and pine notes from Chinook and Equinox hops.

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Steamed Mussels
Wolf's Ridge Brewing


Driftwood Steamed Mussels Made with IPA

Steamed mussels are delicious any time of year, and Chef Seth Lassak from Wolf's Ridge Brewing in Columbus shares one of his favorite ways to bring beer into the picture.

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IPA Beer Cheese Soup


IPA Beer Cheese Soup

This IPA beer cheese soup made with DC Brau's The Corruption India pale ale is not for the faint of hop heart! Try adding different toppings like spicy popcorn, croutons, bacon or anything that goes with cheese, which is everything!

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Beer Chicken Green Chile Enchiladas


Beer Chicken Green Chile Enchiladas

Jennifer Yu, author of the food blog Use Real Butter, shares her recipe for beer chicken enchiladas made with IPA, roasted green chiles and red chile pods.

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chocolate layer cake covered in fruit

The Stoutest Chocolate Cakes

Chocolate and stout are a decadent combination as their flavors resonate and compliment each other. Here's a few of the stoutest chocolate cakes out there.

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Better Eat Your Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are back — in a big way! This collection features the classic combo of bacon and beer, which works perfectly with with these leafy greens.

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Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday!

Tacos make any day better, but especially Tuesdays. Beer is a popular addition to many fish batters as the carbonation creates a light and airy batter that perfectly highlights the light and flaky texture of fish.

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strips of bacon on grill

The Very Best of Bacon and Beer

From the simplest recipe for beer-glazed bacon to the more adventurous bacon s'mores, we've got recipes for all levels with everyone's favorite ingredient — bacon.

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