Hundreds of Breweries Signup for New Seal in 2 Days; Some Preview Logo on Packaging

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craft brewer seal
Dogfish Head releases an artist's rendition of how the seal could look on packaging. (Credit: Dogfish Head Blog)

It’s been just two days since the Brewers Association (BA) launched a new independent craft brewer seal, and hundreds of breweries have already signed up to adopt it.

The Brewers Association, publishers of, say at least 720 independent brewers adopted the seal as of 12 p.m. ET Thursday — about 48 hours after the BA announced its creation.

You’re also starting to get a glimpse what the new seal will look like when you see it on the shelves.

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craft brewer seal
Colorado’s Left Hand Brewing shows the seal on a six-pack. (Credit: Left Hand/Facebook)


Keep in mind, the logo will take a few months to hit bottle shops and beer aisles as eligible breweries use up old packaging and prep new ones. But several independent brewers are previewing what it will look like on their cans, labels, bottles — even on store fronts.

The logo is an upside down beer bottle, which the BA says is a symbol of how craft brewers turned the beer industry on its head.

Left Hand and Dogfish Head are among the first to give you a sneak peek at the upside down beer logo on the packaging.

Missouri’s Smoke Brewing took a different tactic, printing off the seal and taping it on their front windowOpens in new window.

Many more independent brewers, including Chicago’s Metropolitan BrewingOpens in new window and Virginia’s Rip Rap BrewingOpens in new window, showed their support by posting the logo on social media. (Protip: Search #independentbeer on InstagramOpens in new window and TwitterOpens in new window and you’ll see more breweries celebrating the seal.)

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Why Should the Independent Craft Brewer Seal Matter to Beer Lovers?

Why is the seal a big deal? The BA says it’s intended to be a clear signal to beer lovers that you’re supporting a truly independent brewer.

“As Big Beer acquires former craft brands, beer drinkers have become increasingly confused about which brewers remain independent,” says Bob Pease, BA president and CEO. “This seal is a simple way to provide that clarity”

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Craft brewers who want the seal don’t have to be a BA member, but they need to meet three criteria:

  1. The brewer must fit the BA craft brewer definition.
  2. The brewer must have an active TTB license to commercially brew beer in the U.S.
  3. Breweries will sign a licensing agreement that covers many bases, including what happens if they sell. Bottom line: They aren’t allowed to use the seal if they’re no longer a craft brewer.

Have your local breweries posted the logo in a creative way? We’d love to hear about it!

Jess Baker walked into a beer fest in 2010 and realized beer had come a long way from what her dad had been drinking since the 70s. She served as editor-in-chief of from spring 2016 to spring 2020, bringing you stories about the people who are the heartbeat behind U.S. craft brewing. She's a runner, a die-hard Springsteen fan, a mom who is always scouting family-friendly breweries, and always in search of a darn good porter. is fully dedicated to small and independent U.S. breweries. We are published by the Brewers Association, the not-for-profit trade group dedicated to promoting and protecting America’s small and independent craft brewers. Stories and opinions shared on do not imply endorsement by or positions taken by the Brewers Association or its members.