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Double Mountain’s 9th Anniversary Beer Hits the Market

Hood River, OR—March 21st, 2016 — Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom releases The Divine Bourbon Barrel Aged Brown in honor of their ninth anniversary. This strong brown ale is currently available in the bottle and on draft at the Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom located in downtown Hood River. The Divine can be found throughout the Northwest, British Columbia, and Southern California in late March.

“The blend of Woodford Reserve barrels and McArthy’s Peaty Whiskey barrels commingled in a way that can only be described as divine.” –Owner/Brewmaster, Matt Swihart

The Divine Ninth Anniversary Bourbon Barrel Aged Brown 9.0% ABV, 43 IBU

Description: It is with great pride and gratitude we offer The Divine, a bourbon-barrel aged brown ale of ethereal character. The strong brown ale base brew left to meditate in Woodford Reserve bourbon barrels for the better part of a year. The celestial slumber brought forth wondrous flavors and aromas of wooden vanilla, toffee, caramel, black licorice, and dark fruit, accompanied by a pleasant bourbon warmth. Cheers to nine great years!

About Double Mountain Brewery and Taproom: Double Mountain Brewery and Taproom was established in 2007 in the heart of downtown Hood River, OR. Double Mountain Brewery opened with a clear mission: make great beer for craft beer fans. Double Mountain Brewery’s unique location lends to not only using pure and clean glacial water for their beers, but they also take advantage of regionally grown hops. Double Mountain Brewery and Taproom’s unfiltered and long-aged beers deliver maximum flavor and character. They can be found on tap and in bottles throughout the Pacific Northwest and Southern California. Learn more at