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Lakewood Brewing Company Releases Limited “Seduction Series” Edition of French Quarter Temptress in Honor of “Midi Gras”

DALLAS – September 4th marks the exact midway point to Mardi Gras, so naturally Lakewood Brewing Company is honoring the occasion by reprising the most requested cask in their “Seduction Series” by releasing a special limited edition batch of French Quarter Temptress.

Capturing the spirit and attitude of New Orleans, French Quarter Temptress possesses the boldness of barrel-aged coffee and chicory within the incredibly smooth 9.1 percent ABV Imperial Milk Stout. Using a process unique to coffee roasting, Lakewood partnered with Kevin and Marta Sprague at Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters in East Dallas to create the perfect combination.

“We barrel-aged coffee beans, coining it Operation B.R.E.W. (Beans Resting, Enhanced by Whiskey),” said Wim Bens, Owner and Founder of Lakewood. “Using one of our spent Bourbon Barrel Temptress barrels, Noble Coyote aged green Peruvian Cajamarca coffee beans for four months, which imparted subtle notes of bourbon to the beans.”

Once the beans were ready, Noble Coyote roasted the coffee and Lakewood added it to the beer along with a touch of chicory for some additional spiciness and complexity to give it a signature New Orleans taste.

Bens added, “As purveyors of a different kind of craft ‘brew’, we really respect Noble Coyote’s utilization of Fair Trade coffee and their passion for small-batch, artisan coffee roasting. It was the perfect choice for French Quarter Temptress.”

The beer will be released in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on September 4, the midpoint date to Mardi Gras, better known around Lakewood as “Midi Gras.” The beer will be available only on draft this year at local bars and restaurants.


Most bars and restaurants that will carry the limited French Quarter Temptress already serve Lakewood’s ever-popular regular Temptress. For a full list, beer lovers can get up to date information on Lakewood Brewing Company’s Beer Finder, Facebook page or on Twitter.


Lakewood Brewing Company’s Small-Batch Legendary and Seduction Series

Seduction Series  – These are quarterly, small-batch variations of our best selling Temptress and are limited in quantity.  With the expansion of its brewery in 2015, Lakewood hopes to bottle beers in the Seduction Series beginning next year.

Legendary Series – As a way to honor our dual heritage, we created The Legendary Series – specially brewed beers inspired by Belgian and local mythologies. This quarterly series is limited in scope, as the beers are brewed once, with the intentions of never being brewed again. Some are intended to let age, others to be drunk fresh. Either way, once they’re gone, they’re gone.


About Lakewood Brewing Company

Lakewood Brewing Company produces internationally inspired, locally crafted beers. Its diverse varieties include year-round, seasonal, and small-batch brews including the Legendary and Seduction Series. Lakewood has been recognized nationally in major beer competitions and has brought home awards for many of their beers including: a Gold for their spring seasonal, Till & Toil at the 2014 San Diego International Beer Festival, two Golds and one Bronze at the 2014 US Open Beer Championship recognizing Rock Ryder, Antigoon’s Revenge and La Dame du Lac. Lakewood was also named a National Grand Champion for Goatman at the US Beer Tasting Championship. Lakewood beers are available throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area in discerning bars, restaurants, and select retailers; perfect for whichever neighborhood you call home. For locations and more information, please visit

