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Meet Frederick H., Bruery Terreux’s Newest Year-Round Beer

We’ve come up with a new year-round beer that will see distribution in our 28 states starting this December!

Frederick H.™ is a tart, wheat-based beer 100% fermented in American-made oak foeders. Frederick H. joins Saison Rue, a Brettanomyces-fermented rye saison; and Beret, a sour imperial wit aged in oak barrels with raspberries, as one of our three year-round releases for 2017.

Frederick H. is named after our Founder & CEO Patrick Rue’s grandfather, Frederick Hottenroth, whose name may also ring familiar — our now retired, award-winning Berliner Weisse was simply named Hottenroth.

“My grandfather was a brilliant inventor. He had a mind for innovation, for knowing the future. I remember him explaining global warming to me in the late ‘80s — and to be honest, we didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. Like Fred, Frederick H. is unique, inventive yet traditional,” shares Patrick. “The fermentation is 100% in oak foeders with a special blend of brettanomyces and lactobacillus, giving Frederick H. a bright acidity and a tropical, fruity aroma and flavor. Each batch benefits from the contributions of previous batches, as it’s fermented and aged in a process resembling the solera method.”

Our massive oak foeders can each hold 250 BBLs (7750 gallons) of beer, which is continuously pulled out in small amounts as the tanks are topped off with fresh wort. This allows us to continually build a characterful sour beer that’s full of flavor and racy on the palate.

Stats: ABV 4.4%, SRM 4.8, pH 3 Availability: Year-round, bottle & draft Society release: Wednesday, November 16 (members only) Public release: Friday, December 2 (Tasting Rooms & National release: December in our distributed regions in AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, NJ, NV, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VT, VA, WA, WI

More About Frederick H.™

We’re on a first-name basis with our new German-style tart wheat beer. Meet Frederick H. (The “H” stands for “Hottenroth”.) But this isn’t Fred as you knew him with Sarah. This is a beer with an entirely different personality. At his core, Frederick H. embodies some of the elements you’d expect in a Berliner Weisse-style beer, such as a tart flavor profile from lactobacillus, a hint of brettanomyces and traditionally low ABV. He gets a little racy though, and gains even more funky and earthy notes from house cultures and fermentation in our oak foeders at Bruery Terreux. After nature takes its course, Frederick H. emerges with a bright, refreshing body, palate-cleansing tartness and au naturel rawness. You could say the complexity of Frederick H. has reinvented our outlook on the style. In fact, he’s now a mainstay in our lineup.