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Mispillion River Brewing to Release Harry Potter Inspired Beers

Milford, DE – Mispillion River Brewing will be hosting “Fantastic Beers and Where to Find Them” on November 12, 2016, to debut five Harry Potter inspired beers.

Starting at noon, attendees will have the opportunity to be sorted into their Hogwarts’ house and try each house’s signature brew. Gryffindor will be represented by a 9% ABV Double IPA, Hufflepuff by a 6% ABV Kolsch, Ravenclaw by a 5.2% ABV Porter, and Slytherin by a Dry-hopped American Sour. Deathly Hallows, the brewery’s small batch Belgian Trippel, will be making its yearly return. Additionally, brewers have concocted a non-alcoholic butter beer.

Entertainment throughout the event includes a scavenger hunt for horcruxes, beer quidditch, and a photo booth. A trolley witch will be vending Bertie’s Botts throughout the day. Attendees are invited to wear their best costumes, but the brewery is asking that people use their wands only for good. Anyone caught using the Unforgiveable Curses (Cruciatus, Imperius, or Killing curses) will be asked to leave.

El Presidente, Eric Williams, stated, “I’ve never watched Harry Potter, but my employees are really into it.”

The event is free to attend. Commemorative pint glasses with the Hogwarts’ house logos will be available while supplies last. As with all Mispillion events, the Brewery is asking that people bring a canned donation for the Food Bank of Delaware.


 Mispillion River Brewing aims to be recognized by its customers and the brewing industry for producing the highest quality craft beer. The brewery, located at 255 Mullett Run Street Milford, DE 19963, is open for samples, pints, and growler fills seven days a week.  For more information, visit mispillionriverbrewing.comOpens in new window