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Naughty Kentucky Streetwalker Label

Naughty Brewing Releases Kentucky Streetwalker

November 25, 2014 – AUSTIN – Naughty Brewing is excited to announce the release of its newest beer, Kentucky Streetwalker, an Imperial Vanilla Porter that aged in a collection of bourbon barrels for almost a year.


There is a copious amount of bourbon flavor and aroma in the initial pour into the glass. Given time to warm and open up, the flavors of vanilla and roasted malts comes through and balance the multifaceted beer.  At 10.2 %, this is a beer you need to take time to appreciate.


“We hope you enjoy this release as much as we enjoyed brewing it,” says James Vaello, Naughty Brand Manager and Adelbert’s Brewery San Antonio Representative. “After tucking the beer away in barrels for what seemed like an eternity, we are very pleased with the end result. Kentucky Streetwalker should cellar well and I look forward to opening them some time from now.”


Kentucky Streetwalker has been released in San Antonio, Vaello’s hometown, to be on shelves before the Thanksgiving holiday. It will release in Austin, Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth area immediately after the holiday during the first week of December.


Naughty Brewing’s beers are produced, packaged and sold by Adelbert’s Brewery in Austin, Texas.