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New Year, New Beer! Full Sail Brewing Releases Session IPA

“IPA’s are insanely popular these days. But let’s face it, sometimes it feels like there’s a hops arms race going on. That’s why we came up with Session IPA. It’s a Premium Pale Ale that thinks for itself. Not too hoppy. Not too bitter. Not too malty. Just right…we like to call it Session-ability!” said Irene Firmat, Full Sail Brewing Company’s CEO & Founder.

“When Session Premium Lager was launched ten years ago, it quickly became the hottest selling new craft-beer brand on the market. Neither micro, macro nor import (yet a little bit of each), Session rewrote the rules on how to launch a distinctive new brand that appeals to a wide cross-section of beer drinkers. You see, virtually everyone who likes beer likes Session. It’s a brand that’s inclusive and accessible — without ever being ordinary. It’s totally drinkable – but never at the expense of character. Fast forward to 2014 and what’s the new hot trend in craft brewing? “Sessionable” beers, the category that Session unleashed a decade ago.  Given Session’s immense appeal, we’ve expanded our year-round lineup to include Session IPA.”  Available in 12 packs, 6 packs and on draft. ABV 5.1% IBU 47

Since the launch in 2005 Full Sail’s Session beers have earned a slew of shiny awards and trophies including 35 gold medals.  The newly released Session IPA was awarded a silver medal at the 2014 World Beer Championships and recently named  Session and Session Black  #1 in the “Top Ten List of lagers Brewed in the United States.”  Session was ranked the #1 American Pilsner, and Session Black was ranked #1 in the Munchner Dunkel. Session has truly earned itself a place at the bar. Not to mention the barbeque. About Full Sail Brewing Company: Founded in 1987, the independent and employee-owned Full Sail Brewery is perched on a bluff in Hood River, Oregon, overlooking the most epic wind and kite surfing spot in the world. Over the last 27 years, Full Sail has collected more than 300 national and international awards for their beers and sustainable practices, including 140 Gold medals and was recently named Craft Brewer of the Year by Beverage World Magazine for their years of “sustainable stewardship, quality, consistency and operational ingenuity. Among the company’s most popular brews are Full Sail Amber, IPA, Pilsner, Pub Series, Session, Session Black, Session IPA and Session Series. At this very moment their specialists in the liquid refreshment arts are crafting barley and hops into your next beer.  The Full Sail Brew Pub is open seven days a week. Swing by for a pint, grab a bite, tour the brewery, or just soak up the view.





