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Oddwood Ales Launches with Release of Saison

November 20, 2014 – AUSTIN – The first beer from Oddwood Ales, a side project of Adelbert’s head brewer Taylor Ziebarth, is set to release this week. Oddwood Ales is focused on producing small batches of barrel influenced wild ales. Their beers are produced and packaged at Adelbert’s Brewery in Austin, Texas.

“Producing your own beer is every brewer’s dream, I am very fortunate have my dreams realized so early in my career,” says Taylor.

Oddwood’s first release, Saison, is a tart Belgian farmhouse ale that was fermented entirely in oak wine barrels. The beer spent six months in the barrels before being packaged, where it spent a month conditioning in the bottle. Oddwood’s Saison is fruity, vinous, and tart with a dry finish.

Taylor added, “This beer has been over a year in the making and I am very happy with the results. Saisons are my favorite beer style to both brew and drink, so it’s very exciting for me to share my interpretation.”

Oddwood’s Saison will begin shipping in Austin and Dallas on November 21 followed by Houston and San Antonio distribution the following week. Saison is only available in Texas for the time being and will be sold alongside Adelbert’s Belgian-style ales.