Bear Republic Fundraising for Sonoma County Fire Victims

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bear republic fire victims

Bear Republic Brewing Company is proud to be joining forces with Russian River BrewingOpens in new window and the King Ridge FoundationOpens in new window, and will be brewing a Bear Republic version for the Sonoma Pride release. We are a little late to this effort because our starships are running on impulse power. Click here for more information.

We are are currently working on additional collaborations to be brewed with other Sonoma County breweries to support the victims and firefighters of the 2017 Sonoma County wildfires.

Bear Republic will be supplying ingredients and manpower to St. Florian’s BreweryOpens in new window in a mutual aid effort to brew another version of Sonoma Pride. We are currently working on the details with 101 North Brewing for a similar collaboration, with the efforts supporting the rehabilitation of Cardinal Newman High SchoolOpens in new window, the alma mater of the brewmasters of 101 North and Bear Republic.

(READ: Breweries, Employees Impacted by Fire)

Many of the BRBC family members have lost their homes and have little to rely on. For the next 30 days, 50 cents on every case of Bear Republic beer sold will be donated to raise funds to help those affected. We are reaching out to our wholesalers and asking for their support through matching funds up to 50 cents per case or a one-time donation.

Many of our distributors nationwide also committing to this cause, making it a truly national effort.

As we are coming together to support this cause, we ask that you consider supporting our employees who have lost their homes. Five Bear Republic employees, including Head Brewer Rob Kent, Cami Kent, Casey Clark, Kaylee Singkeo, and Shawn Anderson, need your help. While there are many people in the same boat out there, anything will help in supporting them. Please donate if you can at

Bear Republic’s brewpubs will be offering FREE MEALS to the first responders involved with the local fires at both restaurant locations in Healdsburg and Rohnert Park, California.

Thank you for your continued support, kind words, and prayers during these difficult times.