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CRAFT Beer Documentary Premiere at Sie FilmCenter

CRAFT, the beer documentary from filmmaker and Cicerone Craig Noble, premieres in Denver with three screenings at the Sie FilmCenter on Friday, April 4th.

The latest film from Craig Noble follows him on a coast to coast journey that includes an apprenticeship at a farm brewery, beer schooling in Vermont that lead to Cicerone certification and the development of his farmhouse ale recipe. Inspired by the double digit growth of the craft brewing industry, Noble takes a look at how breweries are taking on the task of maintaining the quality, creativity and integrity expected by thirsty beer connoisseurs.

The 7:00 pm screening includes a VIP pre-reception starting at 5:30 with Noble and a beer and food pairing. Tickets are $25 for Denver Film Society members/$20 for non-members. The 7:15 and 7:30 screenings are priced at $12 for members/$15 for non-members. All who attend are invited to a free after party starting at 8:15 in Henderson’s Lounge. There will be drink specials on the beers mentioned in the film and Noble will be in attendance. Tickets for all three showings can be purchased through the Sie FilmCenter.

Following the Denver premiere, the film will continue the western tour with stops in Fort Collins, Austin, Oakland and San Diego through the month of April. The eastern tour begins June 4 in New York and wraps up June 26 in Vancouver, BC.

For more information, visit

Twitter: @craftbeermovie | Facebook: CRAFTbeermovie | Instagram: craftbeermovie


Media Contact

Kris McDowell | | 612-743-5747