Denver Mug Club Opens Up More Spots

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The Denver Mug Club rethinks the traditional brewery-created “mug club” by combining exclusivity with exploration, all while promoting Denver’s craft beer scene.

The Denver Mug Club will come to life via a traveling case filled with numbered stoneware mugs. While the case and mugs are at the selected ‘Brewery of the Month’, members can use their mug for a free first fill, discounts on fills beyond the first, and access to one special Club meetup at each stop. Meetups will feature special tappings, private tours, discounts and more.

How It Works:

The Denver Mug Club is a monthly subscription service. Members will be assigned a number which corresponds to a mug in the handmade  traveling mug case. This dresser-sized beer shrine will move each month to its new home. Each month members will pay a $10 subscription fee to participate.

Upcoming breweries include Bierstadt Lagerhaus, Spangalang Brewery, Great Divide Barrel Bar, and Bruz Beers.

To join The Denver Mug Club visit