As a kid with a coloring book, if somebody got you that big box of crayons, the world was your oyster. Those 64 colors were basically ALL the colors. No item’s nature dare stand in your way. Now, as an adult, you don’t have to be a graphic designer or a painter to know the world has a plethora of pigments to dazzle the eye…but then nanotechnology comes along and even black has its hues…and the darkest of the dark, the all-consuming, the thou-shalt-not-pass, no-holds-barred consumer of 99.965% of all visible light: Vantablack.
In celebration of this synthetic obsidian shade, we’re throwing a celebration of all things dark and designed…and we’re dragging some of our friends into the vacuum with us. Join Cerebral BrewingOpens in new window February 8th as they host a tap takeover of the inkiest stouts we could find.
In the pitch with us:
Alvarado Street Brewery & Tasting Room
The full taplist will not be announced until the day of event. No tickets required. First come, first served. Make sure you follow us on social mediaOpens in new window, so you don’t miss out on any special announcements. All black attire highly encouraged.
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