Head Brewer Garrett Crowell Leaves Jester King

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We’d like congratulate our Head Brewer Garrett Crowell on his decision to pursue opening his own brewery!

Garrett has done wonderful work for us during his almost three years as our Head Brewer and two years prior to that as brewer and volunteer.

Most notably, he created our mixed culture of brewers yeast, native yeast, and native bacteria that we use to ferment all our beer, apart from our 100% spontaneous fermentations. Through his thoughtfulness, creativity, and skill, Garrett has done an exemplary job helping us make beer tied to a time, place, and people. His work has helped us document our natural surroundings through beer and breath life into our core philosophy. He’s also done a wonderful job representing us publicly and spreading the gospel of mixed culture fermentation. We expect continued great things from Garrett going forward.

We encourage you to wish Garrett the best as he pursues the next step in his exciting brewing career. He can be reached going forward at garrettmcrowell@gmail.com.


Jeffrey Stuffings Founder Jester King Brewery