After months of searching for the best location, Lucky Town Brewing Company has found the perfect home for the microbrewery. The property is located at 1710 North Mill Street in the heart of Jackson – Mississippi’s capital and largest city. Midtown Jackson is home to a diverse array of businesses, residents, artists, builders, and creative spaces – that combined with the rail yard and older buildings in the area make for the perfect industrial backdrop that works well with Lucky Town’s brand.
The 1.7 acre lot will house the brewery in a 10,400 square foot building that was originally a Greyhound service building. The open layout and high clearance inside the building is suited perfectly for Jackson’s first microbrewery, and the excess lot area will provide room for outdoor activities, events, and expansion for years to come. Construction is slated to begin in November, and start of production is planned for late spring 2014.
Lucky Town currently offers Ballistic Blonde – a Belgian style blonde ale, Flare Incident – an oatmeal stout brewed with Vermont maple syrup & brown sugar, and Pub Ale – a single hop english mild brewed with Mississippi honey. Existing keg distribution covers Mississippi statewide, and Lucky Town will begin packaging in 2014. For more information, visit and
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