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Siege Week Tour to Feature Glimpse of New Alamo Beer Company Brewery

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Alamo Beer Company and its signature brew, ALAMO Golden Ale, are going on tour to commemorate the historic “Siege of the Alamo.” The original Siege lasted for 13 days, on a leap year, from February 23rd through March 6th. ALAMO Golden Ale will be promoting its beer while visiting 12 establishments starting on Sunday, February 23rd at Tycoon Flats. Alamo Beer Company’s President, Eugene Simor will be present at 1:00 PM to kickoff the event. Visit or for event details.

The “Siege Week” Tour will be a way for fans of the brew to visit with Alamo Beer Company President, Eugene Simor, and get a glimpse of the plans for the craft brewery, currently being constructed. The first 50 participants at each stop will receive a special invite to be among the first on a VIP Tour of the new brewery with Simor. The $8 million brewery, located in East Downtown San Antonio, at capacity will produce up to 40,000 barrels, or 560,000 cases of beer, and will feature a beer garden and beer hall. The brewery is expected to be open for business this October.

“We are excited to take our brand out to our fans and bring some attention to Texas history,” stated Simor, “this is going to be a big year for our company and it’s nice that we can share it with so many people.”