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Sweetwater Brewing Company Taps Into Memphis This June

ATLANTA – SweetWater Brewing Company is ready to make a move Westward with the announcement it will open up distribution to Memphis, TN later this month. Shortly after the brewery’s $19 million expansion, SweetWater – ranked as one of the nation’s top 20 craft breweries according to the Brewers Association – will be bringing its lip-smackin’ lineup to the area on June 16.

Through diligent planning and wholesaler assignments, SweetWater proudly announces they will be working with Budweiser of Memphis to begin flowing in the market. While SweetWater has been available in Eastern parts of the state since 2005, Memphis will round out distribution statewide for thirsty locals. The brewery’s current footprint covers the Southeastern United States including Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Louisiana and Virginia.

“We’ve had our hands full expanding the brewery while simultaneously launching our new can line and conditioning process,” said SweetWater Founder and Big Kahuna Freddy Bensch. “With that under our belts, we’re finally at a place where we feel we’ve ramped up production enough to move further West and bring Memphibians the brews they’ve been training for!”

SweetWater is bringing their notoriously hoppy ales to the area starting with its flagship, 420 Extra Pale Ale, and IPA on draft at bars and restaurants, alongside bottles, cans and Tackle Box variety packs in off-premise grocery, package and specialty bottle shops including:

  • 420 Extra Pale Ale – SweetWater’s 420 is a West Coast style pale ale with big hops and a crisp finish. First brewed on April 20, 1997, this beer has developed quite the following in the Southeast. 420 is extremely well-balanced which makes it a perfect introduction to a new town…that’s why we say “drink ‘em if you got ‘em!” Rolling out in six-pack bottles and 12-pack cans.
  • SweetWater IPA – This mammoth India Pale Ale (IPA) is dry-hopped to the gills delivering a kick-you-in-the-teeth hop chop. The brew is unfiltered to leave all the natural flavors intact. SweetWater IPA won first place in a blind tasting against 15 of the best IPA’s in the country held by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Rolling out in six-pack bottles and 12-pack cans.
  • SweetWater Blue – SweetWater Blue is a unique, lighter-bodied wheat ale enhanced with blueberries. This brew’ll give folks a good whiff of a blueberry influence, with a subtle taste and an extra clean finish. This ain’t no fruit beer, but it is our breakfast beer, and perfect for hanging on a warm Memphis day.  Rolling out in six-pack bottles.
  • SweetWater Tackle Box – The SweetWater Tackle Box variety pack is a hefty 12-pack collection featuring three of SweetWater’s favorite year round brews, along with a fourth catch and release seasonal specialty in each box.

A crew from SweetWater will taste their way around the area with sampling celebrations and sponsored events kicking off Tuesday, June17 and running throughout the week. For the full schedule and participating locations, visit SweetWater’s Facebook Page.

Online fans can wet their whistles too by following the Tennessee Facebook page for details on how to enter SweetWater’s “Catch a Trout Tap” contest rewarding the first locals to spot their tap handles with free SweetWater Schwag.

To learn more about SweetWater Brewing Company and its full lineup, visit