West Palm Brewery Homebrew Competition

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Join us on Saturday, September, 22nd, from 2-5 pm as we host a Homebrew Competition Event where local homebrewers can show off their craft beer skills!

After the winners are announced by our judges, guests who attend can try free samples of all homebrews in the competition, and vote on their favorite. We hope you’ll join us for our first Homebrew competition- its gonna be a fun one!


  • 1st place- Brew your winning beer on our system with Head Brewer Joel, name it & have that beer on tap! PLUS $500 in brewery bucks
  • 2nd place-$100 in brewery bucks
  • 3rd place- $50 in brewery bucks


  • An in-house panel will taste/judge entries together on Friday, 9/21 to determine the Top 3 beers.
  • Then, on Saturday the 22nd, all entrants will be able to serve their beers to the public (for free)!
  • We’ll also have a People’s Choice Award: guests can vote on their favorite beer on Event Day!


  • You must sign up by emailing info@westpalmbeer.com with your name, beer name & beer style.
  • Limited to 1 beer entry per person.
  • Only 20 entrants will be allowed in competition, so sign up soon!
  • Any beer style is accepted.
  • Final beers MUST be submitted to the brewery no later than Thursday, 9/20, no exceptions.
  • Each entrant must submit a minimum of (3) 12oz bottles of their Homebrew for judging.
  • Entrants should provide information on their brew (style, ABV, SRM, IBUs, list of ingredients used [not recipe], and any unique or processes utilized in the creation of their beer)
  • Entries will be judged on quality, craftsmanship, etc.
  • Entrants are encouraged to express their creative and artistic interpretations.
  • Points will be assigned for appearance, aroma, taste, body, and carbonation.
  • Entrants should be available to pour their entries on the event day at the brewery, and must provide their own jockey box, or other dispensing equipment if using kegs. We can provide ice.

Additional Notes

  • You may not sell any of your beer/ other products on premises: free samples only.
  • Entrants will sign a consent form prior to competition day.
  • All rules and instructions can be found: WestPalmBeer.com/home-brew/
  • If you have any additional questions about the competition: please email info@westpalmbeer.com