Bellingham Bay Rotary presents the 13th annual “Brewers by the Bay”

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Bellingham Bay Rotary presents the 13th annual “Brewers by the Bay” microbrew tasting! This year’s event features approximately 38 breweries, 84 different microbrews and ciders and is expected to have over 1400 people attending. Come and enjoy a night of Northwest craft beers, music, and food trucks all the while helping to support local charities! beer and food course

This year’s event raises funds to support our “DOCKS FOR KIDS” project

Live Music with: SPACEBAND and Gladstone!!!

$25 in advance, $30 at the door. Ticket includes entrance to event, beer tastings, commemorative tasting glass, and live music!

NOTICE: You must bring your receipt to the event for access! Thank you.