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Big Boss Shifts To An All Can Line Up

Big Boss Brewing completes transition of frontline year-round line up from bottles to cans!  With the completion of Trail Guide India Pale Ale Big Boss Brewing company has brought all full- time year-round products to 12 and 16 ounce can formats.  This concludes a 3-year journey starting with Big Boss Lager and rotating IPAs in 16 ounce cans followed by Flagship brown ale Bad Penny first introduced a year ago and now all 12 ounce varieties sport revamped artwork that bring theses individual personalities together.    

Big Boss Lager  Built for the beer garden, the ballpark or the back porch, we lager this Munich-style Helles until it’s as bright and clean as the Old World beers that inspired it.

Trail Guide India Pale Ale
 West Coast IPA features classic Pacific Northwest Hop Varietals to lend an aggressive citrus and pine character with a rounded bitter finish.

Bad Penny Brown Ale
 Brewed with Traditional English ingredients our best known brown ale has long been regarded as “true to style.”

Sea Bee Gose with Tangerine & Raspberry  Our interpretation of the traditional German Gose. This quaffable wheat ale features a pleasant blend of fresh fruits.

We are looking forward to more canning in addition to continuing our Rotating Air Raid IPA Series, seasonal selections to follow!