Top 5 Reasons To Go “Early Entry” At BeerHoptacular

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There are lots of things you can do with $10. You can buy a couple tacos, or like two thirds of a cocktail at one of those trendy bars. Or ride the metra to and from Glen Ellyn. Or play “Shake It Off” 50 times on the jukebox at your local dive bar. Or you could turn your boring old general admission BeerHoptacular ticket into an “early entry” magic pass. For only $10 more, you get to enter BeerHoptacular a whole hour early which means that you’ll have first pick of the rare and highly sought after beers our brewery partners will be tapping.

To help make our argument, we assembled this list of top five reasons to go early entry at BeerHoptacular.

#1: You get in early

You’ll get to avoid the lines and have free reign of BeerHoptacular for an entire hour. Rub elbows with the other smarties that went early entry and taste some of the more sought after beers 100% stress-free.

#2: You get in early

There are going to be a lot of beers at BeerHoptacular. More than 150. There’s no way you’re going to try them all… you’re not supposed to try them all. But with early entry, you’ll have more time to take it easy, check out what the fest has to offer, and taste the beers you really want to taste before the kegs kick.

#3: You get in early

Look, maybe we said this already but we think it’s a strong argument: if you get early entry tickets, you’ll get into BeerHoptacular an hour early.

#4: You get in early

Someone once said that the definition of insanity was writing the same things over and over again in a top 5 list. That person was right.

#5: You get in early

We really don’t know how to say this any clearer: for $10 you get into BeerHoptacular early and have access to over 150 beers for an entire hour. It’s a great deal. You should do it. Please do it.

2017 BeerHoptacular Saturday, November 04, 2017 Cinaspace Chicago Film Studios – Chicago, IL

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