Join us for Loveland Oktoberfest at Fairgrounds Park on September 13th 4-10pm & 14th 12-10pm the most authentic German-style Oktoberfest celebration Northern Colorado has to offer with proceeds benefiting Loveland Big Thompson Kiwanis. Oktoberfest entertainment features German Polka bands, Accordion players, and DJ KAAOS playing German dance music to close out the fest. Amazing food vendors serving the finest German cuisine, and a kids zone featuring face painting and much more so bring the whole family. Opens in new window
All 10 Loveland breweries and Root Shoot Malting came together to brew “Liebsland Helles” in celebration of the Loveland community and Oktoberfest! Liebsland Helles will be available at Loveland Oktoberfest and will be featured on the Old Chicago Oktoberfest Minitour throughout most of the state with a couple of special tappings in Loveland before the fest. Liebsland Helles is a light German-style Helles lager, easy-drinking and 100% Loveland. Go to to get a FREE BEER from each brewery involved and be entered for a chance to win over $1,000 in prizes.
Hammerschlagen (Stump) is always a Loveland Oktoberfest favorite, and this year we are doing to a tournament with prizes for the winning teams from local businesses. Teams of 2 $20/team, entry includes a beer for each team member. Sign up for our Hammerchalagen (Stump) Tournament early by emailing
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