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Unlabeled No. 2: A Blind Tasting Festival Featuring Oktoberfest and Minnesota Breweries

The Growler Magazine is proud to announce the launch of a brand new kind of beer festival series, never before seen in Minnesota or the U.S.—Unlabeled: A Blind Tasting Beer Festival. Similar to other beer festivals, Unlabeled will allow attendees the chance to sample dozens of beers from different breweries. 

The twist? The tasting is 100 percent blind and only one specific beer style will be poured at each event in the Unlabeled series. Each beer will be “unlabeled” and guests won’t know which brewery made each beer until the end of the event during the grand reveal. 

At Unlabeled No. 2, happening on Friday, September 20, at Upper Landing Park in St. Paul, attendees will sample 45+ Minnesota-made Oktoberfests and use the custom Unlabeled app (soon to be available for Android and iOs) to rate each beer’s aroma, flavor, appearance, mouthfeel, and overall impression, according to the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) style guidelines. 

Fun and informative, the Unlabeled series of events are the perfect opportunity for seasoned beer drinkers to test their palates and for craft beer newbies to get acquainted with Minnesota breweries and specific styles of beer. You can get more details at Growlermag.comOpens in new window.