Cheesecake and Ice Cream and Blueberry, Oh My: The Allure of Smoothie Sours
Smoothie sours are attracting a whole new audience of beer drinkers that otherwise would not make their way into a brewery.
Smoothie sours are attracting a whole new audience of beer drinkers that otherwise would not make their way into a brewery.
When I walked into Aftershock Brewery in my hometown of Temecula, Calif., for trivia, I instantly felt at home. I don’t know how to describe it other than feeling like blocks had been placed into the right-shaped holes.
The Brewers Association Mentorship Program has successfully finished four cohorts. Selected participants complete a 12-week program with mentors from various parts of the industry.
As another year in beer begins to sunset, we thought we’d share some highlights from’s year. We can’t wait to share more stories, recipes, communities, and breweries with you in 2024.
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Maine Beer Company in Freeport, Maine, was founded by Daniel and David Kleban, two brothers with a dream of starting a brewery that prioritized three things: taking care of people, taking care of the environment, and making quality beer.
Taprooms have long been community meeting places, and now some are choosing to welcome that community bright and early by using their buildings as coffee shops and all-day workspaces.
To reach the broadest possible demographic, breweries are embracing kosher certification.