- Preheat grill or grill pan to high. Preheat a skillet to med-high heat.
- Toss bacon and shallots in skillet and cook until bacon starts to look crispy. Toss in garlic and cook for another 30 seconds and remove from heat. Pour mixture onto a plate with paper towels.
- Return the skillet to the heat. Deglaze pan with the stout and balsamic. Add a good glug of extra virgin olive oil too. Mix well and reduce for a couple minutes and remove from heat.
- Brush cut side of romaine with the extra virgin olive oil and place on the grill or grill pan. Don't pull romaine off the grill until you start seeing some nice charred marks on the lettuce. Takes just a couple of minutes.
- Place romaine on a plate (cut side up), top with bacon, vinaigrette and gorgonzola. Add a pinch of salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Enjoy!
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